Sun Valley is already an amazing ski resort. On that, we can all agree. But what if I told you it could get even better? Well, it can! Recently, Sun Valley announced new updates. This time, it's all about speed!
Sun Valley Resort is about to start major upgrades to Bald Mountain. The priority is completing two new lifts, which will completely revamp the Warm Springs side of the mountain. Access will be speedier, and the terrain available to skiers will be expanded!
The existing Challenger and Greyhawk lifts are set to be replaced by the new Challenger lift. Instead of four-person lifts, there will be new six-person chairs. Additionally, crews will add a "mid-station" where guests can get off of the lift and explore, if they choose. Of course, they can also continue on up to the top of Baldy! The new Challenger lift will be able to take visitors from Warm Springs base area to the top of Baldy in only eight minutes.
Nearby, the resort has planned the addition of a new Flying Squirrel lift, which will replace the original Flying Squirrel lift that was damaged in a fire. This new quad lift will take guests to the top of the Flying Squirrel terrain area, which will be upgraded as well with extended runs and 54 new acres of glade skiing around Little Scorpion.
Learn more about new lifts for 2023 here:
These new changes should help improve skier circulation, making ski trips easier and faster. Most importantly, they'll improve guest experiences!
The resort believes that the improvements will be completed by December of 2023. Get ready for new and improved fun in the Sun Valley snow!