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Ballet in Sun Valley

July 31, 2021

Dance lovers rejoice- as of this month, Ballet Sun Valley has officially resumed in-person performances! 


Photo from facebook

For those of you unfamiliar with the dance group, Ballet Sun Valley is a non-profit organization with a mission of bringing the world’s most celebrated ballet companies and dancers to Sun Valley. They seek to preserve the tradition and presence of international ballet in Sun Valley, the addition of which enriches the unique culture of the city. They strive to make ballet inclusive for everyone. 


Photo from facebook

Ballet Sun Valley returned to in-person performance earlier this month with two nights of dance at iconic Sun Valley Pavilion. These July events went incredibly well, setting a precedent for more success with their upcoming events. 

In August, Ballet Sun Valley is excited to present two performances by BalletX, a contemporary ballet company that has become well-known for their cutting edge work. On August 22, BalletX performs a two-act ballet that the Boston Globe describes as "a series of fantastical sketches that are like a dream you cannot unpack later, but makes perfect, poetic sense while asleep." August 23's performance will feature six incredible works from choreographers Matthew Neenan, Jorma Elo, Amy Seiwert, Nicolo Fonte, and more. Both evenings promise to be unforgettable! 


Photo from facebook 

There's nothing quite like an evening of ballet at Sun Valley Pavilion. Dancers float across stage while aspens, clouds, and scenic hillside fill the background. You absolutely do not want to miss the return of Ballet Sun Valley! 

Tickets for these two events can be purchased through Eventbrite. Book your tickets now before they sell out! Can't make it to either of these August events? Don't fret- there are plenty more performances coming! Keep an eye on Ballet Sun Valley's website and social media. 

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